Git Challenge - II

Git Challenge II

This challenge simply reuses the commands you’ve used in this chapter to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Create a new file named **** inside the **tutorials** directory.
2. Add a heading to the file: `# Tutorial Ideas`
3. Populate the file with a few ideas, following the format of the other files, for example, `[ ] Mastering PalmOS`.
4. Save your changes.
5. Add those changes to the staging area.
6. Commit those staged changes with an appropriate message


Here are the steps I followed to complete this challenge. You may have used slightly different methods to accomplish the same result, but here’s how I did it:

- Create the new file with the command: touch tutorials/

- Edit the files using nano, with the command: nano tutorials/

- Added the following content to the file:

# Tutorial Ideas

Some tutorial ideas to help us branch out into new areas where no tutorial has gone before:

[ ] Mastering PalmOS
[ ] COBOL: Not just for Y2K anymore
[ ] AppleTalk by Tutorials: Your road to the information superhighway

- Saved my changes (in nano, Ctrl + O, Enter, Ctrl + X)

- Staged my changes with "git add ."

- Committed my changes with the command: git commit -m "Adding some tutorial ideas"

- Bonus: To prove to myself that my changes made it there, checked log with the command: git log -p

Which gave me the following output, which I’ve truncated to the important bits:

commit b5336044f8fdc9c086f2973e8696ab2103d388b5 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Bhagat Singh <>
Date:   Tue Oct 26 09:10:42 2021 +0530

    Adding some tutorial ideas

diff --git a/tutorials/ b/tutorials/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb8b346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Tutorial Ideas
+Some tutorial ideas to help us branch out into new areas where no tutorial has gone before:
+[ ] Mastering PalmOS
+[ ] COBOL: Not just for Y2K anymore
+[ ] AppleTalk by Tutorials: Your road to the information superhighway


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