
Showing posts from 2023

Supercharging Your Android App with Image Loading Magic

In the world of Android development, speeding up image loading can make your app shine. You might wonder how apps like Instagram and Pinterest load images so fast. Well, they have some help from behind the scenes, and we're about to spill the beans. Let's dive into the secret sauce of Android image-loading libraries like Glide and Fresco: 🌟 Making UI Snappier with Bitmap Pool Ever noticed your app becoming sluggish? It's usually because of two main culprits: Garbage Collector (GC): It's like a cleanup crew that runs too often, slowing things down. Main Thread Overload: When your app's doing too much work on the main thread, it can't keep up. So, how do these image loading libraries help? They use something called the Bitmap Pool. It's like recycling for bitmaps. When you have lots of images, the app constantly tosses them in and out of memory, making the GC work overtime. The libraries solve this by reusing bitmaps. Instead of creating new bitmaps, they che